Since 1984, the Rotary Club of Tamworth has held an annual book sale to raise funds for community and international projects. We rely on the community of Tamworth and surrounding areas for their donations of reading materials, vinyl records, DVD’s and CD’s.
Throughout the year, a dedicated team of Rotarians, friends and community members sort the donated books. We are very thankful for the generosity of the Tamworth community.
A change in this format occurred in 2019 when acquired the use the use of a shed for a 2 year period. This has enabled us to set up a permanent site for this period. We are opening 2 days a week on a Wednesday and Saturday. This is proving a popular activity for Tamworth residents with repeat customers, many coming in weekly.
OPENING DAYS: Wednesday and Saturday
OPENING TIMES : 10.00am to 2.00pm
ADDRESS: 10 Manilla Road, Oxley Vale, Tamworth
or contact via Facebook page on
The proceeds from our book sale help to fund many of our local Rotary projects.
Some of the projects we supported in the past few years are:
- Lifeline
- U3A
- Billabong House, Tamworth
- Tamworth Legacy
- Annual Tamworth High School Book Prize
- Ronald McDonald House
- Westpac Rescue Helicopter
- St Judes School, Tanzania
- Liberty Food Bank
- CanAssist
- Meals on Wheels
- U3A